2008粉樂盯~台北東區當代藝術展之黃美惠 PURE開了一朵花展覽時間】97年7月19日至8月31日 【誠品敦南店展覽時間】97年8月03日至8月31日 【展覽地點】台北東區捷運忠孝敦化5號出口,加州健身中心後腹地(敦化南路一段、忠孝東路四段、忠孝東 路223巷、市民術後面膜大道四段之街廓內) 【參展藝術家】 Anthony Luensman、水越設計、王仲 、王亮尹、王馨儀、朱芳毅、吳耿禎 、宋恆、李欣芫、周孟曄、周珠旺、周榆茵、林俐貞、林冠名、林慶芳、侯連秦、姚仲涵、洪佩琦、洪易、胡慧琴、徐永旭、康雅筑、曹婷婷、陳宏瑋、陳建築設計宛伶、陳浚豪、游文富、黃沛瀅、黃建樺、黃美惠、黃馨鈺、劉時棟、賴珮瑜、鍾順達、權奇秀官方網站: 作 品:PURE開了一朵花 A Flower Blooms in Pure 媒 材:布、絲襪、棉花 Fabric, 房地產Stockings, Cotton 藝術家:黃美惠 Huang Mei-Huei 瑜珈,是都市人舒緩身心的一股樂活風潮,間接傳達著人們開始在繁忙的都市生活中關切生活環境、身體的伸展調節與心靈呼吸之重要性。東區,是台北人行走、生活、消費、工作的核心區域之一,座落於東區商圈裝潢的瑜珈中心,在繁忙的街道上喚醒群眾回歸自然與尋求心靈根源的需求。黃美惠透過柔軟的棉花創造出充滿彈性、吸壓的多彩有機體,試圖吸引人們的注目與碰觸,將人們身體的觸感與精神的豐美結合,她將自然體引進城市內,透過作品活潑輕盈的生命與柔軟飽滿的彈房屋出租性,呈現一種自體蔓延的能量,展現蓬勃的生命力量,就像運動後活潑的細胞充滿氧氣的血液,瑜珈後的身體充滿愉悅的感受。Yoga has become a chic relaxation activity for the city dwellers, and this trend indirectly conveys that in the bustling 膠原蛋白urban life, people are beginning to pay more attention to their living environment and the balance for their body and spirit. East District is a core zone for people of Taipei's daily activities, and the yoga center that is 永慶房屋situated in this area awakens the inner spiritual yearnings inside the bypassing busy pedestrians to return back to nature.Huang Mei-Huei uses soft cotton to create an organic form that is bouncy and absorbent, and she intents to 好房網attract people's attention to reach out and touch. With a beautiful combination of the human body and spirit, the artist places a natural form inside the city, and through the lightness that is full of life and infused with 系統傢俱resilience, an energy that seems to be extending from within emits a vibrant vitality that projects a satisfying wellbeing that is similar to the feeling one gets after exercising, when the blood cells are pumped with oxygen. 賣房子======================================================

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